WARNING: Cloudflare is removing this feature and replacing it with a new feature called "Dynamic Single Redirect". DNSControl will automatically generate "Dynamic Single Redirects" for a limited number of use cases. See CLOUDFLAREAPI for details.

CF_REDIRECT uses Cloudflare-specific features ("Forwarding URL" Page Rules) to generate a HTTP 301 permanent redirect.

If any CF_REDIRECT or CF_TEMP_REDIRECT functions are used then dnscontrol will manage all "Forwarding URL" type Page Rules for the domain. Page Rule types other than "Forwarding URL" will be left alone.

WARNING: Cloudflare does not currently fully document the Page Rules API and this interface is not extensively tested. Take precautions such as making backups and manually verifying dnscontrol preview output before running dnscontrol push. This is especially true when mixing Page Rules that are managed by DNSControl and those that aren't.

HTTP 301 redirects are cached by browsers forever, usually ignoring any TTLs or other cache invalidation techniques. It should be used with great care. We suggest using a CF_TEMP_REDIRECT initially, then changing to a CF_REDIRECT only after sufficient time has elapsed to prove this is what you really want.

This example redirects the bare (aka apex, or naked) domain to www:

  CF_REDIRECT("*", "$1"),

Last updated